Tuesday, October 15, 2013

My first two weeks

Joining the SHM team has been a whirl wind. I can't even believe that I have only been here a few weeks now, but I love it. Looking back on the other co-op positions I had interviewed for, I don't think any could have given me the amazing experience I know I will have here. Everyone I have met so far, especially the marketing department and the other co-ops, make coming into work every morning pleasurable. I have never been said "Good morning" to so much in my entire life and it feels wonderful. Here I feel I can be authentically confident around the entire staff. I feel that I can share my ideas and really contribute to SHM more than a typical co-op could. The only time I felt a little overwhelmed was when I was reading in my "Marketing Co-op Guide" on the first day about possibly google coding. Even though that has not surfaced yet in my work, I am confident that I can ask questions and excel on the task. Other than that, I have felt completely comfortable in my skills to learn all new tasks and take them head on. I also enjoy that Anna Demarco, the co-op from last term is still here working part time in Membership. Although I haven't had to use her as a resource yet, I know that she is a wealth of knowledge and if I ever have any questions that she would be glad to help. As far as the office environment goes, I love that as well. Even though sitting across from Larry can be a bit intimidating, being so close to and hearing Elaine always brightens my day. Also on a side note, I think the coffee and snacks are wonderful, but I am going to have to be careful with the peanut butter pretzels unless I want to leave co-op 2 sizes bigger! I know it is going to be a struggle already!

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