Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My (quite possibly haunted) House

I live with two other roommates in a three bedroom, one bathroom apartment. Our apartment is actually an old Victorian house that was remodeled inside and turned into apartments. Being an extremely old house, it gets pretty scary at night with all the creaks and other noises. The house was built in 1860 so has obviously had a lot of residents since, like I mentioned before, it is an old house. Now I am a pretty curious person, and being curious I decided to look up the house’s history online. Upon doing this, I stumbled across a website that listed all of the previous occupants of my house. I came to find out that a slave stairway was built “inside the walls” so that the slaves could get to different levels of the house without being seen. Even creepier than this, were the multiple people who have died in my house. Now I don’t know about you, but this came as quite a shock to me who would have been happy to never have known this. I had noticed a lot of strange occurrences at night (sounds that are unexplainable, lights going out unexpectedly, etc) which I attributed to the age of the house. Now let me give you a disclaimer: I do not believe in ghosts, not have I ever believed in such things. But, some pretty creepy things have happened since living in this apartment.  After hearing Lauren’s stories of her apartment hauntings, I am now starting to catalog the strange occurrences so that I can share them with others.I will keep you updated with anything abnormally scary, because everyone loves a good ghost story. Anyways, this is a little off topic (ok, a lot off topic) from what Emily posted but it was on my mind so I thought I would share.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hey Everyone,

So among the crazy of the Annual Meeting, I thought I would post about something fun since you guys will be decorating and having some fun bonding time next week.

Living situations! Are you apartment living? Do you have roommates? Do you live with your parents. I assume you all have some crazy, interesting or fun situations. Another part of living is decorating and your personal living space no matter where you live. Pinterest is great these days for inspiration on many types of DIY projects. I personally have had tons of Pinterest successes and fails and would love to hear about yours!

Feel free to write about anything under this rather large umbrella of living (this could range from renter issues to decor, how to deal with roommates, goals for future living, etc.)

To start off, I use to live with eight girls in college, and needless to say things got MESSY. It took a long time to get people to clean up after themselves, not eat your groceries, and still be best friends.... Now that I live with just my boyfriend and dog I've been getting into more decorating, and going on Pinterest to get inspiration for fun projects. Typically they never come out like the pictures, but I have had some successes.  For example, I found this idea and purchased materials at IKEA and it looks great in my bathroom:

DIY make-up brush easy, just fill a dollar store clear vase with colored stones and stand brushes up to quickly organize